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CATENAONE has partnered with Global Supply Chain Lab, and Industrial Distribution Program from Texas A&M University to offer the following industry solution certification programs

Texas A&M’s Global Supply Chain Laboratory (GSCL) is the nation’s premier distribution focused research lab. GSCL provides state-of-the-art distribution and supply-chain research solutions to the industry.


The lab is led by Dr. Barry Lawrence and employs several full-time research associates. Dr. Lawrence has several years of experience with applied research and education for industry professionals.


The research associates have many years of experience partnering with the distribution industry to help companies solve difficult problems. These partnerships have resulted in millions of dollars of cost savings, inventory reductions, and margin improvements.


The knowledge generated by these industry-funded projects is further used by Industrial Distribution faculty as case-studies in their classes.

To know more about any solution area or how we can help your company, please contact us

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